Monday, September 26, 2016


Welcome and thank you for visiting Papillon Grden Tours. This is a new project so the road might be a little bumpy for a bit but if it's successful I think it will be a beautiful thing.

Papillon Breedables are a brand of breedable plants and pets for your Second Life garden. They encompass plants, butterflies, wisps, fairytales, lightning bugs and others. They are low prim, low lag and lots of fun.

With so many ways to set up a garden and such a strong community I thought it would be great if we could all see how others set up their gardens. What better time of the year than Autumn? So many decorating choices with Halloween, the colorful change of seasons and just a terrific atmosphere for outside fun.

Stay tuned for more information or send a message to Cherry Tungsten in-world for more information.